Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Marketing efforts

While my efforts to market my business through the (new to me) worlds of Twitter and Blogger has been powerful and exciting, it has become clear that a little old-fashioned door knocking remains an effective way to reach potential customers.

Therefore an idea was born to create a "flyer" outlining my services to target homes and businesses that appeared to be in need of upgrades or renovations.  Keeping a few on hand whenever I'm out and about, allows me to drop a flyer in a mailbox whenever a potential opportunity presents itself.

So, with the help of the amazing Jenn at Oakville Blueprinting
I was able to create the following:



Looking forward to reaping the rewards of the effort!

Monday, 11 March 2013

A project in progress.

Over the past few weeks I've had the pleasure of working on a basement renovation project. Now, it's swiftly heading towards completion.

You can read more about it here:

Obviously, most of the credit goes to the Interior Designer (Christine Dovey) however, I've been very happy to have been of in help creating the spaces that are giving her family more elbow room and functionality.

Please join me in wishing Christine and her family the best for their impending arrival!

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

The blank page

Like a sheet of white vellum or the blackness of a computer screen running AutoCAD, I peer into today's blog entry like a void.  Unsure of where this is going, or what will unfold in my writing, I am compelled to write anyway.

It is a mirror of my practice today.   For a day, I find myself in between projects.  One has finished, another on the horizon, I gaze optimistically upon the future unsure of the direction it may take.

In considering my options, I've turned to a book of inspiration:  "the ARCHITECT says - Quotes, Quips and Words of Wisdom" compiled by Laura S. Dushkes.  Published by Princeton Architectural Press, 2012.

The following quote from (an Architect I admire) Frank Gehry speaks to me today in a particularly meaningful way:

For me, every day is a new thing.  I approach each project with a new insecurity, almost like the first project I ever did, and I get the sweats, I go in and start working, I'm not sure where I'm going - if I knew where I was going, I wouldn't do it.

Now, I need to go, and sharpen my pencil.

Monday, 4 March 2013

On growth.

After a hectic end to the week last week, I'm satisfied to have come to the conclusion of a project and am excited to begin another!

New client and consultant relationships continue to evolve and grow... Investments in education and technology are proving to be worthwhile on both a professional and personal level.

Each project presents new challenges and experiences that provides the opportunity for learning to enhance my skills, knowledge  and relationships.

While I find myself drawing on my network of colleagues and peers in the industry, these challenges and experiences are the reasons why I made the decision to set-up my own practice.  The workload can be arduous, however, the growth (both, personally and professionally) is something I couldn't achieve as a senior technologist in an architectural firm.

Spring is around the corner.  My practice is budding.

May it continue to grow.