Wednesday, 26 June 2013

New Project Announcement: Edwards Residence

A quick update.

I have just returned from a meeting with a client who I've been working with over the past few months, and I've some good news to share: We're going for permit and, eventually, construction!

Soon, SE Oakville will have another one of my designs gracing a lovely street and I'm so excited!

Here's a snapshot of the existing lot and dwelling:

And, here's what'll be replacing it:

A nice, sensitive bungalow that fits into the area and meets the needs of the client family...

I am thrilled to see another design make it off the drafting board and (potentially) become a reality!  Surely, many of my fellow designers can relate to the feeling.  It's a long process, and many designs never get built, for varying reasons.  A very satisfying conclusion when one makes it through and you can achieve the built environment you design.

I'll be blogging about the permitting and construction phases, in more detail, in upcoming posts!


  1. Looks like a fabulous new project Wallace- I'm admittedly a little jealous about that home's pretty lot:) Love what you've come up with so far!

  2. Thanks Christine. They are fortunate to have a lovely lot, as noted. I'm confident your new dwelling will be as suitable to your lot and have tremendous impact on the streetscape and neighbourhood! Striving to accommodate a client's "wants and needs", while being sensitive to the lot and neighbourhood, both environmentally and architecturally, is the cornerstone of my practice and it's mission.
